Browsing by Subject "Cotidiano escolar"
Now showing items 1-9 of 9
Afirmeação de fazeres/saberes : uma proposta de investigação dialogada
| Posted on: 12 mai. 2008This dissertation presents and discusses the process of research built in the learning relationship with their subjects. It gives visibility to practices of a group of teachers that, with all its limitations and possibilities, ... -
Cenários de educação através da arte : bordando linguagens criativas na formação de educadores
This thesis - Sceneries of education through art: composing creative languages in teachers´education - intends to show a qualitative research with art through a complete approach in different meaningful languages. The work ... -
Corporeidade e conhecimento : diálogos necessários à Educação Física e à escola
This work wishes to put in contact two fields historically took in opposition: knowledge and body, in order to possibility other kinds of intervention on school that value the human dimensions difference's by witch the ... -
Das diferenças e outros demônios... : o realismo mágico da alteridade na educação
| Posted on: 15 mai. 2006This paper about my research work- is aim to analyze radically some narratives and questions concerning the ways people negotiate different languages, perceptions, and logical perspectives about the world during daily ... -
Educação e democracia : experiências escolares dissidentes na encruzilhada das reformas educativas e da exclusão social
This work aims to understand the various process and factors confluent in the school quotidian, that facilitate the emergence, consolidation, continuation and declination of dissidents school experiences. Experiences that, ... -
A Educação entre Fios e Rendas: Escola Fábrica de Rendas Arp - Nova Friburgo-RJ
| Posted on: 14 jan. 2004The educational practices/tactics of Escola Fábrica de Rendas Arp, in Nova Friburgo, Rio de Janeiro, are the study object of this dissertation. The institution is presented in its organizational pedagogical, socio-politi ... -
A trajetória, possibilidades e limites dos conselhos de escola na rede municipal de Vitória-ES
| Posted on: 01 abr. 2005This research constitutes a study about the School Council in the educational system of Vitória, state of Espírito Santo. It is an study based on the school quotidian, having as focus the experience of the School Council, ...