Browsing by Subject "Espaço urbano"
Now showing items 1-7 of 7
Distritos industriais da cidade do Rio de Janeiro: gênese e desenvolvimento no bojo do espaço industrial carioca
In the sixties, apparently the concentration of population and of the productive activities in the North Zone and in the Central Area of the city of Rio de Janeiro, at that time named state of Guanabara, inhibited the ... -
Nova Niterói: a orla sepultada da utopia à agonia
| Posted on: 18 dez. 2006The purpose of this dissertation is to show how the public power and the real estate capital acted as shaping agents of the urban space in the central shore of Niterói, transforming it into support for their plans, projects ... -
A política cultural e o espetáculo urbano : uma reflexão sobre o direito à cidade no Rio de Janeiro
| Posted on: 10 fev. 2004This study aimed to identify, and analyze Rio de Janeiro´s cultural policy. This cultural policy guide by a logic that treats the culture likes a consumer good, encourages practices of cultural consumer and results an ... -
Produção do espaço urbano e questão ambiental: a urbanização entre mar e montanha na Cidade do Rio do Janeiro
| Posted on: 24 ago. 2006This document deals with spacial changes related to the process of producing/ reproducing/taking ownership of urban areas. It discuss a way of development which defines the new urban shape and its impacts in natural ... -
(Re) pensando e (Re) qualificando o rural uma contribuição da Geografia ao debate
This thesis carried through a study on the existence or not of an opposition between the agricultural space and the urban space. The objective of this study was to contribute with new a proposal of def inition of the ... -
A (re)produção espacial em marcha na consolidação dos Grupos de Poder Hegemônico em São Gonçalo - RJ
| Posted on: 01 dez. 2008The following work (Thesis) analyses the possible special transformations (changes) occurred im the county of São Gonçalo, in the Metropolitan Area in Rio de Janeiro. These changes are happening due to the ... -
Reestruturação econômica e crise social no espaço metropolitano brasileiro
| Posted on: 15 ago. 2007This dissertation analyses the way in which economic reestrutucturation processs, that begins in the end of the decade of 70 and consolidade itself in the decade of 90, are impacting the main metropolis of the country, ...