Browsing by Subject "Ficção brasileira"
Now showing items 1-15 of 15
Autobiografia, história e memória em À Mão Esquerda, de Fausto Wolff
| Posted on: 20 abr. 2010That dissertation analyzed the novel The left hand, by Faust Wolff, under a perpective that detach the varied content wich is formed. We take with base the concepts of memory and history, because the speeches of many ... -
A cidade invisível : uma cartografia simbólica do Rio de Janeiro pela ficção de Machado de Assis
| Posted on: 02 mar. 2010Dans ce travail, Rio de Janeiro correspond à une ville en papier, une construction de la culture, une ville invisible plongée dans un Rio (fleuve) de textes qui produisent une cartographie symbolique au-delà de ses formes ... -
Clarice clandestina : uma leitura da tessitura transgressora em Água Viva
| Posted on: 20 fev. 2009Nuestro trabajo tiene como objetivo el análisis de la novela Água viva, de la escritora brasileña Clarice Lispector. Dicho estudio se extiende, aunque de manera sucinta, a otras obras de la autora, como sus primeros cuentos ... -
De olhar e olhares: a ficção urbana de Alencar e as tramas sociais
| Posted on: 27 mar. 2007The objective of this essay is to investigate the presence of sight in José de Alencar s urban fiction. Initially, it is proposed to understand the place where this cultural gesture has in society since modernity, read ... -
Estratégias ficcionais e resistência em Memorial de Maria Moura de Rachel de Queiroz
| Posted on: 27 mar. 2009Dans Memorial de Maria Moura, Rachel de Queiroz utilize des stratégies des fiction moderne pour construire un récit des trois sertanejos dont le noyau est la résistance aux normes sociaux. Une image du sertão marquée ... -
"Eus" e "outros" : a identidade e alteridade em Budapeste de Chico Buarque
| Posted on: 20 mar. 2007Esta disertación tiene por objectivo reflexionar acerca de los conceptos de identidad y alteridad en la novela Budapeste de Chico Buarque, donde los límites entre Yo y el Otro no se encuentran bien definidos. A primera ... -
Ficções televisuais : ficções do fluxo : televisão e minimalismo em alguma prosa norte-americana e brasileira
| Posted on: 31 mar. 2010This thesis investigates the way two dominant cultural traits televisuality and minimalism merge together within certain American and Brazilian literature. In order to accomplish this it tries to understand what, during ... -
Graciliano Ramos : a narrativa social como reflexão
| Posted on: 30 out. 2006The Thesis is a reading about Graciliano Ramos , a Brazilian writer from the 30s, literal and autobiographical ways of writing, as a reflexion, pointing out the text condition as an art, having the historical-political-cultural ... -
A hora da existência na temática, na linguagem e na narrativa de Clarice Lispector
| Posted on: 29 set. 2006This work aims at presenting a study on the existential character of Clarice Lispector s thematic, language and narrative. Our motivation was initiated by some discussions and texts about The Hour of the Star occupying an ... -
Intertextualidade, gênero e identidade : as representações da cortesã em Lucíola, Lúcia McCartney e Lúcia
| Posted on: 29 jan. 2007The subject matter of this dissertation is the prostitute role in the brazilian literature, from the point of view of the novel Lucíola (1862) by José de Alencar. We entend to interconnect this novel, written in the second ... -
Marialva em palavras e imagens : criação e recriação
| Posted on: 15 jan. 2010The manuscripts of the novel Memorial de Maria Moura by Rachel de Queiroz, are in the Instituto de Letras da Universidade Federal Fluminense. It was published in 1992, and has been the object of students´ research which ... -
Modernização e modernismo : a visão trágica da ficção de Graciliano Ramos
| Posted on: 31 ago. 2007This work aims to study the tragic look from Brazilian writer Graciliano Ramos, a exponent of the modernist fiction from 30 s. It will be analyzed the occidental modernity formation and Brazilian modernization and how it ... -
Nas entrelinhas da escrita, os fios do destino : a face trágica da narrativa em A hora da estrela
| Posted on: 18 dez. 2006 -
O projeto de escritura literária de Ruffato : reflexões sobre a estética do romance brasileiro contemporâneo
| Posted on: 23 ago. 2007Literary writing project of Luiz Ruffato: reflections about the esthetic of contemporary brazilian novel aim to investigate the characteristic of the texture of Luiz Ruffato s novel, considering the union of the linguistics ... -
Sobre o amor em Graciliano Ramos
| Posted on: 19 fev. 2009In Caetés, São Bernardo e Angústia, Graciliano Ramos talks about the destructive power of love. Desire and passion are agents of jealousy, hate and death. João Valério, Paulo Honório and Luís da Silva, narrators and ...