Browsing by Subject "Formação de professor"
Now showing items 1-19 of 19
Apostolado cívico e trabalhadores do ensino : história do magistério do ensino secundário no Brasil (1931-1946)
| Posted on: 17 mar. 2008The research which led to this dissertation had the process of the secondary learning professionalization magistery as a goal, in the period from 1931 to 1946, explaining the point of view from the teacher's graduation for ... -
Dimensões formativas em confronto na prática de ensino escolar:uma investigação de percursos de licenciandos das Ciências Biológicas
| Posted on: 07 jul. 2008The current study analyses the curricular component Practice of Teaching in the initial teacher education of Biological Science teachres with specific focus on the steps essential to the process of becoming teachers. This ... -
Educação superior à distância na formação de professores : entre fios e desafios, uma experiência formativa ?
| Posted on: 30 mai. 2008The incorporation of higher distance education model into teacher education program was part of a far-reaching reform project initiated in the 1990s, with characteristics of the neoliberal ideology embodied in the ... -
A formação continuada de professores na rede municipal de educação de Niterói : desafios para a construção de uma política pública
| Posted on: 03 mar. 2009This study presents the enterprises of continuous formation offered by the Municipal Educational Foundation (Fundação Municipal de Educação - FME) to teachers of the municipality along the studied period, and how they have ... -
A formação continuada docente em Juiz de Fora ; construindo a "Escola do Caminho Novo" ?
| Posted on: 26 abr. 2007The present work was aimed at analysing whether the formation process, as developed by the Centro de Formação do Professor - a Teacher Development Centre - and in accordance with the view of some of the school players, ... -
Formação de professores de educação infantil : para que?
| Posted on: 02 jul. 2007This paper talked about the formation of teachers from the children`s education having as base my performance as educational supervisor on a program children in the nursery from the municipal foundation of education from ... -
A geografia de uma trajetória: memórias de um grupo de professoras que permanecem em um Ciep no Complexo da Maré
| Posted on: 26 set. 2007This text is the result of a research work accomplished in a Center Integrated of Public Education (Ciep), located in the Tide Complex. It is an investigation that it proposed to reconstitute the school history using itself, ... -
Histórias de formação, imagens de docência : cultura e simbolismos de professores do município de Duque de Caxias - RJ
| Posted on: 11 nov. 2008This research project had the intention of understanding the culture of teachers who work with the second segment of an elementary school of the city council of Caxias / RJ, relating it with the stories of life of these ... -
A licenciatura de matemática da UFF: cultura, organização e imaginário
This research searched to understand the proposal of formation of professors of the Course of Mathematics of the Of the state of Rio de Janeiro Federal University, its ideário, culture and the influence that exerts on the ... -
Movimentos identitários e investigativos de professores no cotidiano escolar : o exercício instituinte da pesquisa como práxis em diálogo com representações sociais
En jettant des lumières sur les mouvements identiteurs et investigateurs des professeurs e des élèves engagés dans l implantation du premiers cours normal superieur public au Brésil, le traditionnel Institut de Education ... -
Pedagogia da terra : o curso de licenciatura em educação do campo de Minas Gerais
| Posted on: 16 mar. 2009This dissertation was intended to characterize the current Pedagogy of the Earth in Minas Gerais, implemented by the MST in partnership with the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG). In the act's implementation of the ... -
Regular noturno: possibilidades de reinvenção: uma experiência em Angra dos Reis
In the present work, the author develops a reflection about her doing as an educational guide. She starts from a criticism on the paradigm of modern science, to situate the implications of a research with the daily life, ... -
A relação com o saber de alunos de um curso normal de nível médio
In this dissertation we will discuss the French researcher Bernard Charlot s theory. My main goal is to encourage further critical thinking on specific issues of Mr. Charlot s theory, especially those that are closely ... -
A relação entre crenças e desenvolvimento de professores em um contexto comunicativo
| Posted on: 25 ago. 2009The present research, which has an ethnographic orientation, aims at investigating the relationship between teachers beliefs and their development as teachers of English as a Foreign Language in the context of an institution ... -
Sistema de ciclos e a construção de novos saberes docentes : estratégias de professores da rede municipal de São Gonçalo- RJ
La présente recherche a été réalisée en écoles du Réseau Municipal d Education de São Gonçalo, auprès des professionnels qui travaillent dans les années initiales de l enseignement fondamental. Puisque cette étape de ... -
O tutor na formação de professores a distância : saberes que fundamentam a prática tutorial na experiência do curso de pedagogia a distância da UNIRIO
Investit dans la fonction de tuteur à l enseignement supérieur à distance, l enseignant affronte un ensemble de doutes voire de craintes, ce qui l emmène, dans un mouvement typique du métier d enseignant, à revoir son rôle ...