Browsing by Subject "Leitura"
Now showing items 1-20 of 23
Aluno- leitor, a interface institucional do leitor: reflexões teóricas e sugestões práticas
| Posted on: 19 jun. 2008This thesis aims to reflect on the institutionalized "reading", in short, the process of reading considered through its specificity of school activity. We examine how the reading process conducted at school causes the ... -
Ao leitor... as batatas : um estudo sobre a recepção de Machado de Assis por alunos do ensino médio
| Posted on: 29 mar. 2010The main objective of the present work is to analyze the understanding of the works of the Brazilian classic writer Machado de Assis among secondary school students of the second grade (about 15 to 17 years old) in two ... -
"Brasileiro não lê": os sentidos da falta de leitura: uma abordagem discursiva
| Posted on: 09 jul. 2009 -
Cognição, intertextualidade e hipertexto: uma proposta para o ensino de leitura utilizando as tecnologias de informação e comunicação.
| Posted on: 10 dez. 2010In today s world, new forms of thinking and living have developed due to the use of information technology and telecommunication which have become a fundamental activity that even interferes with the way humans deal with ... -
Competências para l/ver Ziraldo : subsídios teóricos para formação de leitores
| Posted on: 18 jul. 2006 -
A contrastive genre-oriented investigation of reading comprehension sections from EFL proficiency tests and EFL coursebooks
| Posted on: 30 jun. 2006O principal objetivo da presente pesquisa consiste em desenvolver uma análise contrastiva das seções de leitura de livros didáticos para o ensino de inglês como língua estrangeira e das provas que testam as habilidades de ... -
Discurso sobre o amor : o risco-zero na relação com a alteridade
| Posted on: 13 ago. 2008This doctoral thesis is about love discourses in modern times, when selfidentity melts into a personal project reflectively organized. Impelled to conduct his personal trajectory, the modern man seems to build an agenda ... -
O "dramaturg" no espetáculo : uma ponte entre a teoria e a prática?
| Posted on: 20 mai. 2009The work ,The dramaturg in the drama: a bridge between the theory and the prátical? try to analyse like a dramaturgista visa in the sense of dramaturg - build his process of creation through the reading of the reading ... -
Ensino e mercado editorial de livros didáticos de história do Brasil : Rio de Janeiro (1870-1924)
| Posted on: 06 mar. 2008This work analyzes the didactic book elaboration of History of Brazil from the joints between the expansion of education and the publishing market in the city of Rio de Janeiro between 1870 and 1924. Through varied sources, ... -
Um estudo sobre relações entre imagens e textos verbais em cartilhas de alfabetização e livros de literatura infantil
| Posted on: 27 mar. 2008This thesis is inserted in the joint field of Language, subjectivity and culture in the Postgraduation Program on Education of Universidade Federal Fluminense-UFF, and aims at understanding how relations between verbal ... -
Formação do leitor : um bicho de quantas cabeças?
This research investigates some aspects of the work of readers formation developed at Pedro II-RJ school, São Cristóvão Unit. From the notion that knowledge is woven in networks, it considers the relations between the ... -
From collaborative writing to reading comprehension : a case study on focus on form through collaborative dialogue as a means to enhance reading comprehension in English
| Posted on: 26 mar. 2008Recent research in second language acquisition has acknowledged the importance of verbal interaction in the development of competence in the target language. Grounded in sociocultural theoretical framework (Vygostky, 1978) ... -
Investigating brazilian public sector EFL reading strategies for the blog genre
| Posted on: 28 fev. 2007The present research aims at investigating both the degree to which blogs are characterized as a socially recognized genre and the reading behaviour of a group of public school EFL learners when faced with those blogs. The ... -
Leitor e leitura : um estudo sobre as práticas de leitura de alunos do nono ano de escolaridade de uma escola da rede estadual de São Gonçalo/RJ
| Posted on: 11 mai. 2009We investigated the practices of read trying to dimension the importance of the read in the social, school and individual environment, looking for consider the material support of read and know and analyze the catalogues ... -
Leitura no PISA 2000 : acadêmicos e jornalistas avaliando resultados
| Posted on: 30 mar. 2009In this dissertation, entitled "Reading and PISA 2000: scholars and journalists evaluating results", I conducted an investigation of a heterogeneous corpus of texts published in the Brazilian online press and in online ... -
Lingua(gem), mola propulsora?
| Posted on: 08 abr. 2008Pour réfléchir sur langue / langage et production d effets de sens dans la société d information contemporaine on focalisera le discours de l entreprise via le discours pédagogique afin de faire penser au monde du travail ... -
Livros que andam : disponibilidade, acesso e apropriação da leitura no contexto do Programa Literatura em minha casa
| Posted on: 18 abr. 2008Ce travail cherche à comprendre les plusieurs sens sur lecteur et lecture qui ont été construits et déconstruits dans l univers du discours de quelques familles de groupes urbains périfériques. Il s est basé sur les ... -
O lugar da leitura em revistas de auto-aprendizagem em espanhol
| Posted on: 06 set. 2007Reading has a crucial role in the process of foreign language and learning. This work focuses on the importance given to reading skills in materials for Spanish self-directed learning, based on the premise that this skill ... -
A metáfora na leitura em língua estrangeira : efeitos de uma intervenção pedagógica
| Posted on: 31 mar. 2006This study is focused on the comprehension of metaphors in foreign language texts. The specific aims of the research are: a) to verify to what extent the presence of metaphors represents an obstacle to the comprehension ... -
Mundo comum e povoamento da paisagem : ler com O aprendiz de feiticeiro de Carlos de Oliveira
| Posted on: 28 fev. 2007In this study we go through the book O aprendiz de feiticeiro by Carlos de Oliveira searching for images in which the first person in the text subject, narrator, character recognises him/herself explicitly as a reader, ...