Browsing by Subject "Literatura"
Now showing items 1-20 of 28
Cabo Verde, entre imagem e palavra: leituras de O Testamento do Sr. Napumoceno
| Posted on: 31 mar. 2006This work is aimed to reflect on the conceptions regarding to the representative art, such as the art of making movies and its relation with literature. The starting point of our discussion is based on a book named O ... -
O caso Quincas Borba
| Posted on: 21 mai. 2010The meanders of the nineteenth century correspond to a period in which both the bourgeois institutions and the aristocracy started adopting bourgeois values and practices that replace institutions which were impregnated ... -
O Conservatório Dramático Brasileiro e os ideais de arte, moralidade e civlidade no século XIX
| Posted on: 13 mar. 2006L activité artistique, aux premières décennies du Deuxième Empire, au Brésil, établissait des liens étroits avec un ensemble de pratiques, avec des comportements, coutumes et valeurs soutenus et recommandés par les classes ... -
Da caverna ao shopping : caminho para a modernidade
| Posted on: 20 out. 2006 -
Deambulações do olhar : a escrita interartes de Afonso Henriques Neto
| Posted on: 29 mar. 2010Ce travail a l intention d analyser les particularités lyriques dans la poésie d Afonso Henriques Neto, en les situant dans l actuel panorama littéraire brésilien. De même, on cherche à discuter d écriture gauche du poète ... -
Em torno de Balzac e a costureirinha chinesa
| Posted on: 12 mar. 2010Cette dissertation a comme but l étude des questions sur la théorie de l effet esthetique, à partir d une analyse du roman Balzac et la petite tailleuse chinoise, de Dai Sijie, et du film homonyme, du même auteur. Nous ... -
O ensino da literatura em Roraima : da gênese da Universidade Federal de Roraima aos dias atuais
| Posted on: 28 fev. 2007This work was intended to interpret the literary canon as it is taught at Universidade Federal de Roraima UFRR. The analysis was developed mainly through the bibliography and the content of the courses of Literature ... -
Entre Lustosa e João do Planalto : a arte da política na cidade de Guarapuava (1930-1970)
| Posted on: 13 nov. 2008Between Lustosa e João do Planalto the art of politics in the city of Guarapuava (1930-1970) is the result of a work related to the political trajectory of a man deeply connected to his hometown. Most part of his life, ... -
Entre mimese e diegese : a construção da cena na adaptação de Closer
The idea of this work is to analyze the cinematographic adaptation of the play Closer (1997), by Patrick Marber, directed by Mike Nichols in 2004. In the dramatic text, one of the main themes is the question of the gaze, ... -
Estranhos no sertão: personagens estrangeiras em Guimarães Rosa
| Posted on: 25 mar. 2011Ce travail est une étude sur la présence de l'étranger dans l' uvre de Guimarães Rosa et sur l'importance de cette recherche pour une compréhension renouvelée de ses récits. Thème encore peu exploré par la critique littéraire, ... -
A evanescência do ser : criatividade e mal-estar : um estudo comparado dos romances Fazes-me Falta de Inês Pedrosa e Relato de Um Certo Oriente de Milton Hatoum
| Posted on: 27 set. 2010Ce travail réalise une étude comparative entre le roman Fazes-me Falta, de l auteur portugais Inês Pedrosa et Relato de um certo Oriente, de l auteur brésilien Milton Hatoum. L étude a pour but de vérifier une perspective ... -
Georges Bataille e a violência da experiência interior : da soberania inútil ao êxtase da comunicação literária
| Posted on: 14 set. 2007La thèse en question va travailler dans une perspective interdisciplinaire entre la littérature et la philosophie . À propos de la philosophie l analyse de ce qui a été exclu par la philosophie occidentale, on dirait, ... -
Gilberto Freyre : a experiência da escrita
| Posted on: 16 mar. 2009The present research aims to develop an analysis of the importance of formal aspects present in certain books by the anthropologist Gilberto Freyre such as his utilization of stylistic resources, biographical elements and ... -
A hora da existência na temática, na linguagem e na narrativa de Clarice Lispector
| Posted on: 29 set. 2006This work aims at presenting a study on the existential character of Clarice Lispector s thematic, language and narrative. Our motivation was initiated by some discussions and texts about The Hour of the Star occupying an ... -
| Posted on: 16 mar. 2011 -
Literatura e cinema no universo queirosiano : duas adaptações de O crime do Padre Amaro
| Posted on: 20 fev. 2009This work is a study of two cinematographic adaptations of the novel The Crime of Father Amaro, of Eça de Queirós through the exam of some scenes that we considered embematics in the sense of express clearly fundamental ... -
Língua materna e literatura no ensino médio: a orientação dos documentos oficiais
| Posted on: 09 jan. 2008Este trabajo tiene por objetivo analizar los documentos oficiales de enseñanza de lengua materna para la enseñanza media en Brasil: los PCNEM, de 1999, que son extremadamente condensados, lo que causó mucha confusión por ... -
A noite genesíaca do eu em Não entres tão depressa nessa noite escura, de António Lobo Antunes
| Posted on: 28 mar. 2007 -
Nomeação e qualificação na construção semiolinguística dos guerrilheiros personagens em OperaçãoAraguaia: os arquivos secretos da guerrilha
| Posted on: 20 fev. 2009This thesis investigates the nomeation activities (represented for nominals correferentials directs expressions and the no-correferentials of type indirects and the qualification activities (specially, by valuects adjectives ... -
Paisagens em claro-escuro : memória e imagem em José de Alencar
| Posted on: 22 mai. 2006The main aim of this work is to analyse the relations between memory and image in the novels of José de Alencar, considering they as an important key to weave certains configurations about brazilian identity, made around ...