Browsing by Subject "Mecânica estatística"
Now showing items 1-4 of 4
Estudo de propriedades críticas para modelos de rede com estados absorventes
In this work we study the phase transitions between an absorbing and an active state in markovian lattice models. We investigate two different categories of these models: with conserved number of particles and with fluctuating ... -
Modelos computacionais baseados em agentes aplicados à migração interna
In this work we studied the rural-urban migration problem based on the Harris- Todaro work, which is considered as the starting point of the classic theory about this subject. Since this is an interdisciplinary work, in ... -
Recobrimentos no espaço hiperbólico e percolação na árvore binária estendida
| Posted on: 01 jan. 2011We study the percolation problem on the enhanced binary tree, a simple structure that exhibits geometric features of hyperbolic spaces: a non-vanishing surface-volume ratio, the latter being compact. The violation of Euclid ... -
Redes Neurais Atratoras em Topologias Complexas
| Posted on: 07 mai. 2006In this work we present some modifications in the Hopfield model for attractor neural networks. First, in order to bring the model closer to a biological network of neurons, we introduce a controlled dilution generating ...