Browsing by Subject "Mulheres"
Now showing items 1-5 of 5
Dialogismo e polifonia em As Meninas, de Lygia Fagundes Telles
| Posted on: 26 set. 2008This research has as object the analysis of the voices in the work, As meninas by Lygia Fagundes Telles. In that sense, it was made a tracing of those voices, to observe how they move over and the role they carry out in ... -
Estudo de prevalência e características clínicas da cefaléia primária em mulheres portadoras de síndrome do intestino irritável: um subgrupo de síndromes somáticas funcionais
| Posted on: 18 abr. 2014Introduction: The irritable bowel syndrome and primary headaches are two chronic disease characterized by recurrent symptoms of pain and affect approximately 10-20% of the general population, with predominance in females. ... -
As Mulheres em O Tempo e o Vento de Erico Verissimo
| Posted on: 16 mar. 2011This work intends to analyse the role of the time as one of the pillars elements in the book The time and the wind and, through the work, invites the reader to think about the history written by ourselves everyday. Considered ... -
Saúde bucal na percepção de mulheres-mães de Rio das Ostras-RJ: relações usuárias-serviços de saúde, educação e autonomia
| Posted on: 20 abr. 2012This paper aims to discuss practices and knowledge on oral health of women who use the public health system of a coastal city in the State of Rio de Janeiro. The research was developed through a qualitative approach and ... -
Trabalho, assistência social e qualificação profissional: um impasse na sociedade contemporânea brasileira
| Posted on: 2018A presente monografia pretende analisar as problemáticas das transformações do mundo do trabalho na sociedade contemporânea, propor uma reflexão crítica acerca das tendências assumidas pela assistência social quando assume ...