Browsing by Subject "Ordenamento territorial"
Now showing items 1-15 of 15
Análise dos impactos sócio-ambientais da organização do espaço industrial de Cataguases
The city of Cataguases has excelled in the economy of Zona da Mata for being a pioneer in industry, whose logic of spatial organization displays two industrial patterns: the widespread and the concentrated. These two spatial ... -
A cidade e a ética do ter e do ser
| Posted on: 06 dez. 2007Since the beginning of the modern period, deep transformations had occurred in the ways to understand, to think and to act in the world. The reason of the man was emphasized from now on. These alterations had been reflected ... -
A dimensão espacial nas políticas públicas brasileiras de turismo: as possibilidades das redes regionais de turismo
| Posted on: 20 nov. 2008Aiming at investigating the carelessness towards national politics of spatial dimension as well as possibilities of new governance structures building to appropriate spaces for the tourism from regional networks, this work ... -
Ecoturismo, sua prática, seu espaço
The present work search to analyze the possible contribution of the environmental question and the sustainability for the ecotourism practices development. The ecotourism, how a tourism segment, is considerate the activity ... -
Ferrovia e organização do espaço urbano em Araguari-MG (1896-1978)
| Posted on: 01 ago. 2008This dissertação looked for to investigate some aspects of the relation of the railroads gifts in Araguari-MG in the organization of the urban space of this city in the period of 1896 the 1978. From a description-geographic ... -
A geografia das formas espaciais de reprodução da existência humana ao longo o tempo à luz do materialismo histórico-geográfico
Introduced some of the theoretical currents more characteristics to the western philosophical thought and approached the methods more frequently used, we began a specific focus on the approach of the materialism ... -
A inserção da zona costeira nas territorialidades da bacia hidrográfica do Rio São João - RJ: inter-relações, trocas e conflitos
| Posted on: 01 ago. 2007The space is product, process and manifestation of the society, where if the contradictions of the social relations of production express all. When the hydrographical basins and the coastal zones are about the ambient ... -
Jogos & cidades: ordenamento territorial urbano em grandes eventos esportivos
Des Grands Événements Sportifs ( GEEs ) sont entrepris par des plusieurs villes du monde, souvent sous un discourse où se presentent comme opportunités de stimuler le développement urbain. Tels GEEs se présentent comme ... -
Uma leitura da relação sociedade natureza no ordenamento territorial do Rio de Janeiro
This work presents a systemized set of bibliographic and iconographic studies of the of production process metropolitan space of Rio De Janeiro, Aiming the appropriation the processes and use of nature a acquired ... -
Uma leitura do plano estratégico de Juiz de Fora - MG
| Posted on: 15 dez. 2008Since the late 1980 s, the adoption of Strategic Planning has been legitimated by the speech of competitive insertion of cities in global economy. Having begun in the USA and then extended throughout Europe and Latin ... -
O movimento emancipacionista de Minas do Norte: uma identidade territorial em questão
| Posted on: 31 ago. 2006The new federated unit s demand new states has been recurrent in Brazil, especially from the 80 s decade. The fight for the emancipation of regions discriminated politics, economic and culturally had its acme on the ... -
Pela outra margem da fronteira: território, identidade e lutas sociais na Amazônia
The model that guided Brazilian Amazonia occupation and appropriation of process in the last decades was based in the belief of modernization as the only force capable "to develop" the region, with no regards to its social, ... -
A reestruturação produtiva do capital e os rearranjos do trabalho no território fabril: um estudo sobre os trabalhadores da Fosfertil em Catalão-GO
The present research begins with na geographical about the reestruturation in course on the world of work, mainly in the last decades, in the moment that the capital get more flexible ways of reprodution. We try to investigate ... -
Os Serrados e a sustentabilidade: territorialidades em tensão
| Posted on: 31 mar. 2006The Cerrado s phytogeographic dominion has constituted the preferential area of Brazilian territory for expansion of the exportation s agribusiness complex. The possible success of this strategy, represented for superavits ... -
Territorialização militar em rede e o imperialismo estadunidense na América Latina: um novo código geopolítico?
This work approaches the military presence of US in Latin America, within the scope of geopolitics of the new imperialism. Although the Latin America is not treated like a priority in the context of the global strategy ...