Browsing by Subject "Power"
Now showing items 1-8 of 8
Batalhas culturais de gênero: a dinâmica das relações de poder no campo militar naval
This work aims data on the admission of women military in the territory of male Brazilian Navy and its impact on relations of gender and power. The qualitative research includes interviews with military men and women - ... -
Os "Combatentes da Paz": A participação dos comunistas brasileiros na Campanha pela Proibição das Armas Atômicas (1950)
| Posted on: 01 jun. 2003This production look for to reconstruct he Campaign for the Prohibition of Atomic Bombs , adopted for the Communist Faction from Brazil (PCB) in 1950.Originated of ameeting of Devoted of Peace , in Stocolm, Sweeden, ... -
A construção discursiva da florestania: comunicação, identidade e política no Acre
The year 1998 has become an important milestone for the polical history in the state of Acre. In state elections that year, a group of young politicians members of the Partido dos Trabalhadores won the elections state, ... -
"Dois tiros nas redações": jornalismo brasileiro e o caso Pimenta Neves como incidente crítico
This dissertation discusses the murder of journalist Sandra Gomide by Pimenta Neves, also a journalist and her former boyfriend and boss, as a critical incident that obliged journalists covering the case to discuss and ... -
No "caldeirão da história" : a realidade labiríntica nas narrativas de Kafka, Coetzee e Chico Buarque
| Posted on: 19 abr. 2011This work undertakes a study of the labyrinthine reality enveloping the characters of In the penal colony (1919) and The trial (1925), by Franz Kafka, Life and times of Micheal K (1983), by J. M. Coetzee, and Benjamim ... -
As relações entre as personagens de Memórias Póstumas de Brás Cubas e Quincas Borba
| Posted on: 31 ago. 2009This dissertation treats of the relations between the characters of Machado de Assis novels Memórias Póstumas de Brás Cubas (1881) and Quincas Borba (1891), and relations like power. Among the ways of power analysed in ... -
Transculturação e poder em Zoé Valdés e Marilene Felinto : o pluralismo na construção identitária latino-americana
| Posted on: 26 set. 2008This work assumes that there is an equivalence between the subaltern condition of the woman and the Latin American continent, so that we intend to evaluate in which terms the novels La nada cotidiana and La hija del ... -
Zumbi vive na escola ? as experiências de uma escola para afro-descendentes em Campos dos Goytacazes - RJ
This thesis presents the results of research on the creation and operation of the course pre vestibular of Zumbi dos Palmares Foundation in Campos dos Goytacazes. Through the revieu of lauis and municipal ordinances that ...