Browsing by Subject "Prática de ensino"
Now showing items 1-6 of 6
Afirmeação de fazeres/saberes : uma proposta de investigação dialogada
| Posted on: 12 mai. 2008This dissertation presents and discusses the process of research built in the learning relationship with their subjects. It gives visibility to practices of a group of teachers that, with all its limitations and possibilities, ... -
Dimensões formativas em confronto na prática de ensino escolar:uma investigação de percursos de licenciandos das Ciências Biológicas
| Posted on: 07 jul. 2008The current study analyses the curricular component Practice of Teaching in the initial teacher education of Biological Science teachres with specific focus on the steps essential to the process of becoming teachers. This ... -
A experiência do sistema de ciclos na Rede Municipal de Educação de Niterói/RJ: da proposta oficial às práticas concretas
Pour essayer de dépasser l'organisation de l'école en année scolaire et la logique de ce système, certains réseaux scolaires au Brésil sont en train de mettre en place le système de cycles. Ce système, au-délà de proposer ... -
Na prática a teoria é outra? : tensões nas representações da disciplina Práticas Pedagógicas / Iniciação à Pesquisa no curso Normal de Nível Médio
This dissertation examines the representations of the theory-practice relations of the subject Práticas Pedagógicas/Iniciação à Pesquisa which has substituted the old Estágio Supervisionado in the curriculum of the ... -
Re-significando o saber-fazer/dizer da prática pedagógica de professoras ao ensinar geografia às crianças do 2º ciclo.
| Posted on: 16 mai. 2003This present study aimed to investigate, in the scope of pedagogical practise, the knowledge related to seven Rio Grande do Norte state teachers know-how-to do/say applied, specifically, in the Geography field of the ... -
Vou te contar... as narrativas: das tramas da vida ao ofício docente
| Posted on: 25 jun. 2008This dissertation is fruit of some inquiries, raised starting from my practice of teacher of the years begin of the fundamental teaching, concerning the place and of the importance of the narratives in the school context. ...