Browsing by Subject "Prática pedagógica"
Now showing items 1-5 of 5
Aprendendo a Ensinar com Alunos e Alunas Marcados pelo Fracasso Escolar: alinhavando retalhos da caminhada
| Posted on: 11 mai. 2004The present dissertation express my attempt of living the exercise of the research with the daily pertaining to school space-time of where I speak. I show a reflection on the ways that I come finding to carry through ... -
A Educação entre Fios e Rendas: Escola Fábrica de Rendas Arp - Nova Friburgo-RJ
| Posted on: 14 jan. 2004The educational practices/tactics of Escola Fábrica de Rendas Arp, in Nova Friburgo, Rio de Janeiro, are the study object of this dissertation. The institution is presented in its organizational pedagogical, socio-politi ... -
Examinando os saberes da experiência: um estudo de caso no ensino de Física de nível médio
| Posted on: 08 set. 2008This dissertation aims to understand the experience knowledge expressed on the teaching practices of a High School Physics teacher. The study is based on the theoretical studies about teaching knowledge which includes ... -
Metáfora conceptual e conhecimento nos discursos e práticas de professores do ensino fundamental
| Posted on: 12 mar. 2009The present thesis investigates two levels of knowledge representation by teachers of elementary education: the level of consciously professed beliefs and that of the values underlying less monitored discourses, comparing ... -
Re-significando o saber-fazer/dizer da prática pedagógica de professoras ao ensinar geografia às crianças do 2º ciclo.
| Posted on: 16 mai. 2003This present study aimed to investigate, in the scope of pedagogical practise, the knowledge related to seven Rio Grande do Norte state teachers know-how-to do/say applied, specifically, in the Geography field of the ...