Literatura moçambicana
Literatura comparada portuguesa e moçambicana
Ensino da literatura
Mulher na literatura
Identidade cultural
Olhar feminino
Ficção portuguesa e africana contemporânea
Estratégias de dominação sócio-cultural da mulher
Contextos político-bélicos
Contemporary portuguese and african fiction
Socio-cultural domination
Strategies on women
Warfare political contexts
This work is the result of a comparative study between two women's signature narratives of
contemporary fiction, from Portugal and Mozambique respectively. They are the novels
Paisagem com mulher e mar ao fundo (1983), wrote by Teolinda Gersão, and Ventos do
apocalipse(1995), wrote by Paulina Chiziane. The research s aim, of bibliographic scope,
focused on the novels, considering them as possible mediators between reality facts related to
issues of social and anthropological relevance, and fiction, involving women and their
different roles in phallocentric and patriarchal societies. These roles were taken in their
various relations, not only with the oppressor male world, but also with the war that appears
in each of the works analyzed, as a destabilizing element of everyday life of these women in
their communities. This goal was established in an hypothesis to be discussed during the
study and sought to show how women can be considered the oppressed side in the
relationship with the male world, either by social, political or cultural domination . Paisagem
com mulher e mar ao fundo focuses, through the memories of the protagonist, the government
period of the fascist regime led by António de Oliveira Salazar, which ruled the country for
nearly forty years, and the consequences resulted from the strong socio-political repression,
that ended in deaths and emigration. Parallel to these facts, the regime was involved in an
armed struggle with its African colonies overseas, that fought for their independence. The
long journey of Salazar dictatorship until the Revolution of 25 April restores the democracy in
the country, serves as the landscape of a narration in female, built around the discursive
strategies of post-colonial literary characteristics, and that asks about the role of the
Portuguese woman in a society marked by the war, during this period of harsh political
repression. Ventos do apocalipse reports highlights of a striking landscape, result of the
Mozambican civil war triggered from socio-political disputes between the two political parties
in the country: Frelimo, the post-independence government party and Renamo, the opposition
party to the government . This war, that began in 1976, and lasted sixteen years, lead the
country to political, financial and human misery. In the novel are raised, through the
protagonist s way, a sort of anthropological, cultural and socio-economic addressings, that
deal with the role of women in a phallocratic, patriarchal, and repressive society, especially in
rural communities in the south of Mozambique. In the Introduction, we present the focus of
research topic, and the reasons of their relevance to literary compared studies. Moreover, we
outline all the parts to be developed during the work, and the reasons for which they were
structured in the methodological form chosen. In Chapter 1 we dialogue with Walter
Benjamin, supported by other theorists, on the possibility of a novel to be a mediator between
reality and fiction, (re) creating and (re) presenting this reality in its net fictional text, keeping
alive the wheel of narration. Chapter 2 deals with the analysis of structural and thematic
construction of Paisagem com mulher e mar ao fundo, by Teolinda Gersão, placing the work
and its author in historical and literary fascist Portugal, beyond the discussion of the role of
the Portuguese woman in the face of this repressive context, combined with the phenomenon
of the colonial war, as an element that disturbes the daily life of this kind of woman, from the
standpoint of the protagonist and other female characters. In Chapter 3, the focus of analysis
is centred on Ventos do apocalpse, by Paulina Chiziane. The work was reviwed in its
structure and theme, placing it and its author in Mozambique history and literature, looking at
civil war, from the point of view of the protagonist and other female characters, who speak
through the voice of an anonymous narrator, common fact to Mozambican narratives.
Through the analysis of these issues, are discussed anthropological, and social questions,
taking women as the focus of cultural strategies of domination in a society imminently
phallocentric and patriarchal, particularly in the rural communities of the South. In Chapter 4
we proceeded to the comparative stud y of the narratives, seeking to score similarities and
differences between them, in regard to the anthropocentric view that both novels have made
about women and their social role. In addition, it was focused in the comparative study, the
issues surrounding both wars, that have served as a landscape to the stories and how these
wars affected the daily lives of the protagonists and other female characters, destabilizing
them. The Conclusion came to reaffirm the hypothesis posted to discussion, that the narrative
fiction, represented in the study by the novel, can serve as a mediator for the debate on social
relevant issues represented in their fictional text.
Keywords: contemporary Portuguese and African fiction socio-cultural domination
strategies on women warfare political contexts.
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Document type
Literatura portuguesaLiteratura moçambicana
Literatura comparada portuguesa e moçambicana
Ensino da literatura
Mulher na literatura
Identidade cultural
Olhar feminino
Ficção portuguesa e africana contemporânea
Estratégias de dominação sócio-cultural da mulher
Contextos político-bélicos
Contemporary portuguese and african fiction
Socio-cultural domination
Strategies on women
Warfare political contexts
License Term
CC-BY-SARelated items
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